Dynamic Warm Up
Do this circuit once, no rest between moves:
- Squat to T-Squeeze x 15 reps
- Hip Flexor Stretch x 15s hold
- Single leg glute bridge x 10 each leg
- Bird/Dog x 5 each side with 10s hold
- I-T-Y complex x 8 each
- Jumping Jacks x 20
Accelerator #1: Dumbbell Fat Loss Accelerator
Choose a weight you can lift overhead for 10 reps. Perform each of the following in order, with no rest between exercises and without putting the weight down. At the end of the circuit, rest for 60 seconds and repeat for a total of 4 rounds.
A: DB Thruster x 6
B: DB Bent Over Row x 6
C: DB Push Ups x 6
D: DB Cross Body Mountain Climbers x 12
Workout Set #1: 3 rounds
1A: DB Romanian Deadlift x 20 reps — 1 second down, 3 seconds up
- Rest 15s
1B: DB Renegade Row x 10 reps -– 1 second down, 3 seconds up
- Rest 15s
1C: Goblet squat x 12 reps — 2 seconds down, 3 seconds up
- Rest for 60s at the end of the circuit and repeat this circuit twice more time for a total of 3 rounds. If pressed for time, do 2 rounds.
Accelerator #2: Bodyweight Fat Loss Accelerator
Perform each of the following in order for one round.
A: Jump Squats x 10 with 5s hold at the bottom
- Rest 15s
B: Walkouts w Mountain Climber x 8
- Rest 60s
Workout Set #2: 3 rounds
1A: DB Alternating Press x 8 reps each arm — 1 second down, 3 seconds up
- Rest 20s
1B: DB Step Ups x 15 reps — 1 second down, 3 seconds up
- Rest 20s
1C: Bent Over Flyes x 10 reps — 1 second down, 3 seconds up
- Rest for 45s at the end of the circuit and repeat this circuit twice more time for a total of 3 rounds. If pressed for time, do 2 rounds.
Ab Finisher
Do the following circuit 4 times, resting for 20 seconds between
circuits. Each exercise should be done for 20 seconds:
4A) Around the World (go left in circuits 1 and 3, then right in
circuits 2 and 4) (assume pushup position with your feet on a box, walk your hands around in 360)
4B) Hanging Knee Raise
4C) Stability Ball Stir-the-Pot
4D) Stability Ball Plank with Arms Extended