Thursday, January 16, 2014

Finisher's express 21min workout

My latest go-to workout if I have good energy and I want to hit the entire body.
 Source (Mike Whitfield, Finisher Express Workouts)
Finishers Express Workout Schedule
Day 1 – Workout A
1A) Goblet Jump Squat and Stick (30 seconds)
1B) DB Chest-Supported Row (30 seconds)
1C) Neutral Grip DB Chest Press (30 seconds)
Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times
2A) DB Walking Lunge or Goblet Walking Lunge (30 seconds)
2B) Iron Cross (30 seconds)
2C) Stability Ball Leg Curl (30 seconds)
Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times
Express Ab Circuit
3A) Ab Wheel or Stability Ball Rollout (30 seconds)
3B) X-Body Mountain Climber with Feet Elevated (30 seconds)
3C) Pushup Plank (30 seconds)
Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times
Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 3 minutes, resting ONLY
when needed:
4A) Bench Vault (5)
4B) Explosive Pushup (aka Plyo Pushup) (5)
4C) KB or DB Swings (10)
Stretch as needed - transform yourself

Neat circuit (I feel upper body burn after):


Transform yourself
alternating lunge with a bicep curl 50 sec
4 mount + pushup 50 sec
squat + shoulder press 50 sec
row 50 sec
sumo squat + front raise (swing) 50 sec
triceps dips 50 sec

3-4 rounds is usually enough