Monday, September 29, 2014

Total recall

1 leg Deadlift
Db Curl +thruster
Duck squat to kneel
Triceps kick back
X 2
Decline plank +step off
Renegate row
Sit out
Decline pushups
Peacock on the bench

"Leg oriented" circuit

Jump lunges
Plank with feet on the ball,  Alternating feet step off the ball.
Pistol squat
Triceps extension

8 reps,  no rest,  2 rounds

Finisher 3 min:
Bench press
Full body extension

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Mike's sweet 16

16 min workout.

Shuttle x6
Renegate row x6
Jump and stick x6
Explosive pushups +triple pushups x6
Alternating diagonal lunge x6
X-mounain climber x6/ side

Total body extension 30 sec on, 30 sec off
5 rounds

Mike's daily

1 min each exercise,  1 min rest after circuit,  5 rounds

Double unders
KB front squat
KB swing
High pull

Friday, July 25, 2014

Weight circuit 5 x 5

Wide squat 20 reps
Lower half burpee 20
Overhead push 20
Bicep curl 10
V-up 10

Rinse and repeat 5 times.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Brutal "Finisher Stack" workout

This routine is borrowed from Mike Whitfield, with my slight modifications. Enjoy!

Finisher #1 - Lower Body (x 3)
Bulgarian Jump Squats or Bulgarian Squats (8/side)
Bodysaw (10)
Alternating Reverse Lunge (8/side)
Finisher # 2 - Upper Body (5 min, rest only when need to)
Chin-ups or Inverted Row or Strap Row (10)
Decline Pushups (10)
Bench peacock (10 sec hold) 

Finisher #3 - Abs

Renegade Row (20 secs), rest 10 secs - 4 rounds
Alternating Bodyweight Chops (20 secs), rest 10 secs - 6 rounds
Spiderman Climb (20 secs), rest 10 secs - 4 rounds

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Evil one

Do the following circuit twice, resting for 1 minute between 
circuits.  Each exercise should be performed for 20 seconds.
Bodyweight Squat
MRT Circuit
Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 1 minute between 
circuits.  Each exercise should be performed for 40 seconds.
Triple Pushup (20 secs decline, 20 secs close grip, 20 secs normal)
*90% Split Squat (40 secs ea leg)
*Come up only 90% - this will allow maximum muscle tension
MCT Circuit
Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 1 minute between 
circuits. Each exercise should be performed for 40 seconds.
Walking Lunges
DB Row
3 min - no rest unless necessary
explosive pushup (4)
db swings (4/side)

*** Source: Mike Whitfield

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Finisher's express 21min workout

My latest go-to workout if I have good energy and I want to hit the entire body.
 Source (Mike Whitfield, Finisher Express Workouts)
Finishers Express Workout Schedule
Day 1 – Workout A
1A) Goblet Jump Squat and Stick (30 seconds)
1B) DB Chest-Supported Row (30 seconds)
1C) Neutral Grip DB Chest Press (30 seconds)
Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times
2A) DB Walking Lunge or Goblet Walking Lunge (30 seconds)
2B) Iron Cross (30 seconds)
2C) Stability Ball Leg Curl (30 seconds)
Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times
Express Ab Circuit
3A) Ab Wheel or Stability Ball Rollout (30 seconds)
3B) X-Body Mountain Climber with Feet Elevated (30 seconds)
3C) Pushup Plank (30 seconds)
Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times
Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 3 minutes, resting ONLY
when needed:
4A) Bench Vault (5)
4B) Explosive Pushup (aka Plyo Pushup) (5)
4C) KB or DB Swings (10)
Stretch as needed - transform yourself

Neat circuit (I feel upper body burn after):


Transform yourself
alternating lunge with a bicep curl 50 sec
4 mount + pushup 50 sec
squat + shoulder press 50 sec
row 50 sec
sumo squat + front raise (swing) 50 sec
triceps dips 50 sec

3-4 rounds is usually enough