1 leg Deadlift
Db Curl +thruster
Duck squat to kneel
Triceps kick back
X 2
My routines, my preferences, but most importantly what makes me feel stronger and healthier.
Jump lunges
Plank with feet on the ball, Alternating feet step off the ball.
Pistol squat
Triceps extension
8 reps, no rest, 2 rounds
Finisher 3 min:
Bench press
Full body extension
16 min workout.
Shuttle x6
Renegate row x6
Jump and stick x6
Explosive pushups +triple pushups x6
Alternating diagonal lunge x6
X-mounain climber x6/ side
Total body extension 30 sec on, 30 sec off
5 rounds
1 min each exercise, 1 min rest after circuit, 5 rounds
Double unders
KB front squat
KB swing
High pull