Friday, July 25, 2014

Weight circuit 5 x 5

Wide squat 20 reps
Lower half burpee 20
Overhead push 20
Bicep curl 10
V-up 10

Rinse and repeat 5 times.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Brutal "Finisher Stack" workout

This routine is borrowed from Mike Whitfield, with my slight modifications. Enjoy!

Finisher #1 - Lower Body (x 3)
Bulgarian Jump Squats or Bulgarian Squats (8/side)
Bodysaw (10)
Alternating Reverse Lunge (8/side)
Finisher # 2 - Upper Body (5 min, rest only when need to)
Chin-ups or Inverted Row or Strap Row (10)
Decline Pushups (10)
Bench peacock (10 sec hold) 

Finisher #3 - Abs

Renegade Row (20 secs), rest 10 secs - 4 rounds
Alternating Bodyweight Chops (20 secs), rest 10 secs - 6 rounds
Spiderman Climb (20 secs), rest 10 secs - 4 rounds