Thursday, September 19, 2013

Yoga challenge

Here is a list of my yoga goals for this year:
1. One handed peacock2. Hand stand
3. Scorpioand then full stand variation:

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My best friend - 12 min HIIT

(Source Shaun Hadsall)

Part 1:
Strategic Interval - Bursting Protocol

Strategic Interval - Bursting Protocol

Intensity Level Guidelines Below
  • Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace
  • Level 2 = Medium
  • Level 3 = Medium-High
  • Level 4 = High
  • Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of personal condition)

Variation of Superhero sprints

DB Chest Press: 10 reps
Goblet Squat: 10 reps
Decline Pushups: 15 reps
DB Lunges: 10 reps each side
Burpees: 1 minute (as many as possible)
Rest and repeat

Ouch circuit - upper body

1st Circuit - 3 Rounds, Rest As Needed

 ---> Max Handstand Pushups (Got 13, 11 and 9 Reps)
---> 20 Renegade Rows (30lb Dumbbells)
---> 16 No Legs See Saw Bench Press

---> 10 Extended Dumbbell Pullovers

2nd Circuit - 1 Set With Each Weight For Near    Max Reps Rest 30s Between Sets
---> 30lb Dumbbell's X 16 See Saw Presses and 16 Alternating Curls
---> 25lb Dumbbell's X 20 See Saw Presses and 20 Alternating Curls
---> 22lb Dumbbell's X 24 See Saw Presses and 24 Alternating Curls
---> 20lb Dumbbell's X 30 See Saw Presses and 30 Alternating Curls

3rd Circuit - 20 Seconds On 20 Seconds Off          For 4 Rounds Of:
---> Cycle Sprints On Extremely Hard Resistance
(Source: Shaun Hadsall)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Personal favorites from Woman's Health

Skinny jeans workout

1A upper back roll
1B reach roll and lift
1C sumo squat at stand
1D bent over reach to sky
1E inchworm
1F lateral band walks

Workout A

1A db side lunge
1B inverted row
1C single leg Swiss ball hip raise
1D db alternating shoulder press and twist

2A Swiss ball plank
2B core stabilization
2C side plank

Workout B

1A reverse db lunge
1B standing cable row
1C partial single leg squat
1D close grip lat pull down

2A T-push-up
2B db straight leg dead lift
3A Swiss ball jackknife

Skinny jeans workout (phase 2)
Db box lunge
Underhand rear lateral raise
Swiss ball Russian twist

Alternating db shoulder press
Swiss ball hip raise

Prone cobra

Workout B
Single leg db dead lift
Cable pull through cable row side
Single leg side plank

Barbell row
Underhand grip lat pull down
Swiss ball hip raise
Rear lateral raise
Cable crunch

Bikini ready workout (phase 1)


Forward & back leg swings
Side to side leg swings
Sumo squat to stand
Reverse lunge
Low side to side lunge

Workout A
1A single leg hip raise
1B side plank
1C plank
1D sit-up

2A body weight squat
2B single arm cable row
2C db straight leg dead lift
2D db bench press

3A valslide reverse db lunge
3B db shoulder press
3C db lunge
3D triceps press down
3E db curl

Workout B
Lateral band walks
Body weight squat with knee press out
Db step up
Mount climber with feet on valslide
Alternating slide out

Db lunge
Db row
Reverse crunch

Lateral raise
Twisting db curl
Db kickback
Half kneeling rotating chop


Knee raise
Oblique v-up
Swiss ball Spider-Man

(Variation of warmup)
Raised feet crunch
Pulse up
Saxon side bends
Side bridge
Swiss ball superman
Bent over row
Military press
Upright row
Triceps kickback
Wall squat
Biceps curl
Leg curl

Alternate workout
Shoulder press
Step over bench
Delt fly
Triceps press

Jumping lunge
Decline chest press
One leg squat
Chest fly
Leg raise

Chapter 16 workout

Medicine ball decline crunch
Side bend
Seated crunch
Back extension

Pull down
Leg curl
Military press

Triceps push down
Biceps curl

Woman's health new issue workout
Goblet squat
Hammer curl to press
Dead lift
Db pullover
Single arm db row and twist

Cross over db step up
Mountain climber
Squat press
Medicine ball swing

Jumping lunge
Bent over row

Stability ball hip raise
Incline chest press

Stability ball plank

Woman's health September 2012
Squat, shoulder press, triceps extension
Plank & arm reach

Lateral to crusty lunge & row
Lateral lunge jump
Push-up with knee raise

Frog jump
Plank with alternating leg raise

Crouching tiger kickback
Mountain climber
Rollup with v-sit

Single leg dead lift to biceps curl
Single leg dead lift hop
Push-up crunch

Her's fitness routines

Hers day 1
Db Squat 2/20
Db press

Leg extension
Cable front raise

Leg curl
Lat raise

Cable lunge
Reverse peck-deck fly

Wall squat with static lat raise

Hers day 2
Pull-ups 1/20-30
Leg curl 1/20
Back extension 1/20 
Romanian dead lift 3/8-10
Cable glute ham raise 2/10-12
Cable kickback 2/12-15
Seated row 2/12-15
Assisted pull-up 1/30

Hers day 3
Lat pull down 2/12
Overhead press down 2/12

Cable front raise 2/12
Straight arm lat pull down 

Wide grip seated row
Machine chest press

Cable curl
Rope press down 

Double crunch

(I lost the day 4 routine, will add it if I find it... )
Hers day 5
Db dead lift to step up 4/10
Lunge with medicine ball twist 3/16
Medicine ball swing 3/15
Squat jump 3/15
Speed skater 3/+
Push-up 2/+

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Yoga finisher after weights

I usually go at a faire pace, so it works more as a finisher for a weights workout rather than a relaxing session. As always with yoga, the focus is on the breath. I try not to do it as a set of exercises, rather a set of lessons about myself. Do a little research on each pose and find it's meaning and what thoughts you should be concentrating on while you are in it. Makes a tremendous difference at the end of the workout.
Given a good pace it takes about 15 min to go though this workout. Fair warning, this is not for the beginners.

4 Short Sun salutations:
(last two with downward dog with raised leg variation, keep the leg up and release gradually when getting into upward dog)

Left side cycle:
(then repeat for the right side)

Obliques cycle:
(left side, then repeat for right. 10 pushups in the last pose (Astavakrasana)

On the floor cycle:

Standing cycle :
(Left side then same cycle for right side)
Another standing cycle :

Hope you enjoy it! Namaste!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Gluts challenge

Found an interesting gluts challenge. I'll try it out for this month.

Circuits - full body, dumpbells

I'll try to specify the source for most of them. But some I had for so long, I don't even know where they came from.
I often take them from Woman's health or Fitness professionals  mailouts, adjust them so it's easy to do in one spot and it doesn't create unnecessary joint and muscle tensions. Some of them are my own.
Keep in mind that the routines are fairly short because they are ment to be done with finishers.
My favorite finisher is 15 min of yoga. I will post the usual routine shortly.

 Circuit 1
4 rounds, 25lb dumpbells, 30sec on, 15 sec off
  • weighted burpee
  • mountain climbers
  • reverse lunges
  • mountain climbers
  • cleans / snatches
  • mountain climbers
  • weighted russian twist
Circuit 2
Abs warm up - once, 20 reps of each.
Circiut - 3 rounds / 12 reps / 25lbs
Arms superset - 3 rounds / 10 reps / 25 lbs

Decline stand crunch with a medicine ball, slight rotation toward right or left toe on the way up.
Incline stand side crunch
Incline stand back extension with extended arms
Plank with feet and elbows on two medicine balls (1 min)
pull down
leg curl
military shoulder press
Arms superset:
biceps curl
triceps extension


I needed a good space to keep my routines for a while now. I usually keep them in my email but they often get lost in the whole library of fitness resources there. I print them out on an iPhone sized piece of paper, laminate it and take it with me for the workouts. They get worn out still and then I start the search again. This time around I decided I might as well publish them, since people ask what I do fairly often. I must be doing something right I figure :)
So, there. Enjoy, feel free to comment or post yours.